**This is an old revision of the document!**
A guide to effective email
Ryan Schram
ANTH 1001: Anthropology and the Global
Semester 1, 2020
tl;dr Send email from your Uni account, use a descriptive subject line (including ANTH 1002), sign your full name, and yeah, you can call us by our first names.
We love hearing from students. We do get a lot of emails. Don't be offended if it takes a day to get back to you. Administrative matters should be sent to Ryan, the unit coordinator. You can write to the other lecturers about the content of their lectures; they'd love to talk more about them with you. Tutors are also a good first contact for questions about class, assignments, and tutorial.
If you are having problems with Canvas, you can contact the eLearning Helpdesk at elearning.helpdesk@sydney.edu.au.
If you write to Ryan, please allow 24 hours for a reply.
How to contact Ryan and the tutors
Write from your University email address. Ryan will be automatically forwarding email from uni.sydney.edu.au (the student domain) to a special folder. If you write to Ryan from Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL or Compuserve, it will not get read.
Put 'ANTH 1002' in the subject line, along with a few search-friendly key words, like 'essay', 'Mauss reading', or 'majoring in anthro'.
Sign with your full name, and give your student ID.
Give us all the information we need to answer your query. Tell Ryan who your tutor is. Tell Ryan or the tutors what exactly is your concern. Tell us what you know about the situation. A good email
From: sqp3000@uni.sydney.edu.au
To: ryan.schram@sydney.edu.au
Subject: ANTH 1001: Question re ethnographic report
Hi Ryan,
I had a question about the instructions for the observation report. On Canvas it says we should choose a public venue to observe people's behavior, but we can ask for advice on observing something that is not public. I have a family reunion coming up, and there's a big dinner planned. I think it would be great to observe people's table manners. Would that be a good topic for the report?
Best wishes,
Sarah Q. Public
SID: 9999999999
No problem! (And my reply?: “Ask your tutor.”)
Please keep these things in mind:
- Read the unit outline, the FAQs, and the other helpful tidbits on Canvas. Many common questions are answered there. (You can ask questions about what you read there, but please refer to it in your email.)
- Read your email before you hit “send.” Does it make sense? Is this what you want to say?
- If you are following up on a previous email, or asking about an email to the whole class, then include the previous message below your message. In other words, make an email chain.
- Make a habit of regularly checking your University email and Blackboard for class and university announcements. There's a lot of important information you need to see there.
And some do not dos…
Don't call. We probably won't be there.
Don't leave a “voice mail.” It's not the 90s. Don't send a fax either.
Don't write a text message. That is, don't write a single-line paragraph all in lowercase. Come to think of it, don't write the message on your phone at all. Go home and do it at your computer. Imagine you are writing a letter.
ANTH 1001: Introduction to anthropology—A guide to the unit
General info: The goal of this class | What we will do in this class | Readings, other class requirements, and online resources | A note about attendance | The keys to success in this class | A guide to effective email | The ANTH 1001 class Canvas site (requires USYD login)
Lecture outlines and guides:
Module 1: What makes us human? | Weeks 1–3 |
1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.3.1, 1.3.2 | Ryan Schram |
Module 2: Can an anthropologist really leave her culture? | Weeks 4–6 |
2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.2.0, 2.3.0 | Ryan Schram |
Module 3: Is family universal? | Weeks 7–9 |
3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.3.1, 3.3.2 | Jadran Mimica |
Module 4: Where is the mind? | Weeks 10–12 |
4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.3.1, 4.3.2 | Jadran Mimica |
Review | Week 13 |
5.1.1, 5.1.2 | Ryan Schram |
Assignments: Online discussion posts and responses | Weekly reflections | Module 1 concept quiz | Tell me a story...: An analysis of qualitative data | Proposal for a Grade 12 lesson on kinship | Comprehensive (open-book, take-home) essay response assignment