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Statement of possible topics

Write about a page describing several possible topics for your research project, based on your reading.

This assignment is your first chance to show me what kind of progress you have made. It is also my first chance to offer guidance. While your topic can and will develop and become clearer as you continue to read about it, I am going to be looking for several signs of good progress:

  • Have you found ethnographic sources, like ethnographic books on a single area or type of population? What did you learn from them?
  • Have you identified the who, what, where and when of each possible topic, and how precise have you gotten about the setting of this research?
  • What is interesting about each topic to you? Why do you care about it? Is there a problem that you need to solve in this research project?
  • Have you cited the sources you have been consulting?

Keep in mind that this is a 'progress assignment'. This task does not exist in isolation. You'll be graded on how far you have gotten in an ongoing process, but this process is not complete yet, and so your ideas do not have to be perfect, and you don't have to be sure about what you are thinking yet. Still, please format your writing in a readable way. Make sure your prose is readable. Use complete sentences and spellcheck and proofread your writing. Use the classic format for all written work. Put your name and the date on your work.

You should upload a file with your topic statement to the Blackboard dropbox for this assignment by March 14, 11:59 p.m. Read the instructions on submitting your work carefully.

2667/possible_topics.1584601025.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/18 23:57 by Ryan Schram (admin)