ANTH 2667: The anthropology of religion—a guide to the unit
There are three types of assessment in this unit. First, in Weeks 2 through 12, you will submit a short writing assignment. You submit these on the class LMS (“Blackboard”) site each week before lecture on Wednesdays at 11:59 p.m.. These short responses are not graded. You receive credit for submitting them on time. They are meant to encourage you to think about the reading and prepare for the class discussion each week. By doing these short assignments on time, you can be sure you are preparing for each step in the weekly cycle.
Second, you will be working on an independent research project on a topic of your choice. You will be seeking out ethnographic sources of information about this topic and formulate your own argument about it. Along the way, you will submit several elements of your research process and thinking as it develops. Each of these assessments has its own instructions, posted online. Unlike essays, though, they are graded based on how much progress you have made on the process of research, and how much effort you've made to develop your thinking. They are all due on a Tuesday at 11:59 p.m. (before Wednesday's lecture).
Third, at the end of the semester, you will submit a 10-page research essay on your topic. In the essay, you will pose a debatable question and offer your own argument in support of your answer. This essay will be based on all the work you've done over the whole semester. It will be graded as a finished product. The final essay should have:
- a clearly stated and relevant thesis which answers a question,
- a developed argument and reasoning which supports this claim,
- evidence and examples which support and substantiate the claim, showing that you’ve explored facts and ideas in detail, and
- prose which explains and clarifies the ideas and arguments.
and will be graded accordingly to how well it measures up in each of these areas. We will discuss these assessment forms extensively in class, so feel free to ask questions.
For all of your work for this class, be sure to save a copy for yourself before you submit it online, and also regularly back up your work to a separate disk. Fun fact: losing or accidentally deleting your written work is not a 'misadventure' and cannot be used as grounds for special consideration.