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Week 12: Decolonising cultural institutions
Week 12: Decolonising cultural institutions
Catherine (Cate) Massola
ANTH 1002: Anthropology in the world
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Cate will provide more information about this lecture on the class Canvas site.
Main reading: Andrews (2021)
Other reading: Riley (2021); Eldridge (1996); Jones and Birdsall-Jones (2014); Leatherdale (2022)
References and further reading
Andrews, Jilda. 2021. “Value Creation and Museums from an Indigenous Perspective.” In Museums, Societies and the Creation of Value, edited by Howard Morphy and Robyn McKenzie, 1st ed., 225–39. London: Routledge.
Eldridge, Deborah. 1996. “Aboriginal people need to control their own culture.” In Curatorship: Indigenous perspectives in post-colonial societies—Proceedings, 18–22. Ottawa: Published by the Canadian Museum of Civilization with the Commonwealth Association of Museums and the University of Victoria.
Jones, Tod, and Christina Birdsall-Jones. 2014. “Meeting Places: Drivers of Change in Australian Aboriginal Cultural Institutions.” International Journal of Cultural Policy 20 (3): 296–317.
Leatherdale, Verity. 2022. “Indigenous Heritage Curator Appointed to Chau Chak Wing Museum.” The University of Sydney (blog). March 2, 2022.
Riley, Lynette. 2021. “The Use of Aboriginal Cultural Traditions in Art.” Curriculum Perspectives 41 (1): 85–92.