Week 6: Historical anthropology
Thursday, April 2, 2020, Friday, April 3, 2020
Required readings: Comaroff (1987), Comaroff and Comaroff (1989)
Supplemental reading: Comaroff and Comaroff (1990)
Comaroff, Jean, and John L. Comaroff. 1989. “The Colonization of Consciousness in South Africa.” Economy and Society 18 (3): 267–96. doi:10.1080/03085148900000013.
Comaroff, John L. 1987. “Of Totemism and Ethnicity: Consciousness, Practice and the Signs of Inequality.” Ethnos 52 (3-4): 301–23. doi:10.1080/00141844.1987.9981348.
Comaroff, John L., and Jean Comaroff. 1990. “Goodly Beasts, Beastly Goods: Cattle and Commodities in a South African Context.” American Ethnologist 17 (2): 195–216. https://www.jstor.org/stable/645076.
ANTH 3601: Contemporary theory and anthropology
General info: About this seminar, Summary of topics and readings, The key tasks of collaborative editing
Seminars: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | B | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
Assignments: Weekly reflections, Various contributions to an online, collaborative knowledge base, Debate brief, Proposal of possible topics, Annotated bibliography, Literature review essay
Week 1: Anthropology as a great conversation | 2020/03/18 00:07 | 1 Comment |