Table of Contents

Do the dead have rights?
Do the dead have rights?
Ryan Schram
ANTH 6916: The social in justice
September 25, 2024
Slides available at:
Before Central Station
The construction of the new Sydney Metro station at Central led to a surprising discovery.
“Search for Descendants after Family Vault Uncovered at Central.” 2021. Sydney Metro. November 11, 2021.
"Let us now praise famous men, and our fathers that begat us"
Not all dead people are erased, however, and the choice of whom to remember is very telling:
- National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Punchbowl Cemetery), Honolulu, Hawaiʻi (Ferguson and Turnbull 1996)
- Memorial wall, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington, DC (Wolfson 2017)
- Reflecting absence, National September 11 Memorial, New York City
Death choice means that some people will have bad deaths
- The Queensland Pacific Islanders’ Fund, ca. 1880s (Moore 2015)
- The morgue at Port Moresby General Hospital (Awikiak 2019)
- A funeral for an asylum-seeker in Ireland (Thomas 2019)
Awikiak, Glenda. 2019. “Hospital Wants People to Collect Bodies of Relatives.” The Papua New Guinea National, January 7, 2019.
Ferguson, Kathy E., and Phyllis Turnbull. 1996. “Narratives of History, Nature, and Death at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific.” Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 16 (2/3): 1–23.
Moore, Clive. 2015. “The Pacific Islanders’ Fund and the Misappropriation of the Wages of Deceased Pacific Islanders by the Queensland Government.” Australian Journal of Politics & History 61 (1): 1–18.
“Search for Descendants after Family Vault Uncovered at Central.” 2021. Sydney Metro. November 11, 2021.
Thomas, Cónal. 2019. “Woman Who Died in Direct Provision Buried without Ceremony before Friends Were Told.” TheJournal.Ie, June 5, 2019.
Wolfson, Elizabeth. 2017. “The ‘Black Gash of Shame’—Revisiting the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Controversy.” Art21 Magazine, March 15, 2017.