Concept quiz
Default due date: Mar 14, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.
Word count: 250 words equiv.
Early in the class, students will take a short quiz on Canvas that tests their basic knowledge and understanding of the key theoretical ideas and ethnographic examples presented in the first three weeks of class.
The quiz will be open on Thursday, March 13 at midnight (the start of the day). It will be due and will close on Friday, March 14 at 11:59 p.m. (the end of the day).
The quiz is open-book and open-notes. You can consult your class notes, the assigned readings, and our Canvas site. You cannot collaborate, collude, or conspire will your fellow students to answer the quiz questions. You are bound by the honor principle when you take this quiz, just like you are for all of your other work in our class.
There will be 10 multiple-choice questions. These questions will test your knowledge of the basic facts from the assigned main readings in first three weeks of class, basic concepts from lectures in the first three weeks. There will also be a few questions about the information on Canvas about the class, so you should familiarize yourself with that information as well.
This is the “early feedback task” for this class. It’s required to pass the class. If you have been keeping up with the readings for class and have been coming to all the lectures and the tutorials, it should be no problem to get all of the questions right.
The quiz is designed to be a diagnostic tool. You can use your score to diagnose where their may be things keeping you from learning as much as possible.
- If you get a 10/10 then that’s great! Keep up the good work.
- If you get less than a 10 out of 10, then ask yourself what you can change in your weekly routine to make sure you are working through every step in the weekly cycle. (Unlike other assignments, getting a 50% on this quiz does not mean you failed the quiz, or that you will fail the class. It is a sign that you have some changes to make and some catching up to do.)
- If you get a zero on this quiz, it’s a warning sign. I will be reaching out to students who get a zero to offer you advice and support on how to do your best work. (A 0% is the standard for a fail on this quiz, but if you take the quiz then you have completed the assignment and can pass the class.)
ANTH 2700: Key debates in anthropology—A guide to the unit
Lecture outlines and guides: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, B, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.
Assignments: Weekly writing assignments, What I learned about the future of anthropology: An interactive presentation, Second essay: Who represents the future of anthropology and why?, Possible sources for the second essay, First essay: Improving AI reference material, Concept quiz.