Table of Contents

Feminist anthropology and kinship, II
Feminist anthropology and kinship, II
Ryan Schram
ANTH 2654: Forms of Families
17 September 2015
Available at http://anthro.rschram.org/2654/8
Lecture outline
- Review from last week: Ortner on patriarchy, criticism of Ortner
- Three examples of gender inequality: Are they the same?
- Woman/Man: A marked-unmarked opposition.
- In these societies, are women oppressed in a way that is fundamentally similar?
- Do women of these societies have common interests, that is, should they all be working toward challenging male domination?
- Marilyn Strathern: A more ambitious critique of Ortner
- Mount Hagen, PNG: Home of Ongka, and a truck.
- Women are rubbish and selfish, men are successful leaders
- Autonomy and cooperation have to be balanced
- Hagen personhood: The gender dichotomy is a metaphor for the human mind.
- The witchcraft meeting in Auhelawa
- Women have a “tongue of fire”
- Women are “the boss of this place”
- Accusations, and a collective admission of responsibility
- The witch is a deviant woman and a matrilineal woman
- Forms of power
- Coercion
- Authority
- Persuasion
- “The exemplary center”
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