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W. H. R. Rivers

W. H. R. Rivers is an influential early British anthropologist as well as a unique figure in intellectual history, contributing innovative new ideas to both anthropology's study of culture as well as psychiatry (notably the concept of neurasthenia, or “shell shock” as it was known, based on his studies of wounded veterans returning from World War I).

Here's a short film about Rivers: W. H. Rivers: We are all related.

Here's a funny poem written about anthropology and kinship by someone who knew Rivers:

Anthropological Thoughts

The Doctor took his book in hand His pen was in his finger His foot was on a foreign strand – But there I need not linger.

“Now how,” said he, “if I may ask About your cousin's mother Would she attempt the simple task Of speaking of your brother?

Ah yes, just so, ut if she were Your mother's uncle's sister How would your cousin's sister's aunt Address her when she kissed her?

Yes that's a point I meant to add Your nephew's cousin's father If he an uncle's sister had (And neither of the two were mad) Would he respect her rather?

But if your father's cousin's niece (His brother's cousin's mother) Were married to your father's son Would he be called your brother?

Indeed, now this if it be so Is very interesting And really should not be I think The subject of your jesting.

For if your father's mother's son Were nephew to your mother I really cannot understand Why she should call him “brother.”

Alas, Alas, for just before The doctor's mind could grip her A shout of laughter issued from The Cabin of the Skipper.

(Anonymous, Haddon Papers, Envelope 12051)

w._h._r._rivers.1408141487.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/08/15 15:24 by Ryan Schram (admin)