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The afterlives of politicized traditions

The afterlives of politicized traditions

Ryan Schram
ANTH 3603: Melanesian worlds
Social Sciences Building 410 (A02)
Week of April 26, 2021 (Week 8)

Slides available at http://anthro.rschram.org/2700/2021/8

Main reading: Akin (2004); Akin (2003)

References and further reading

Akin, David. 2003. “Concealment, Confession, and Innovation in Kwaio Women’s Taboos.” American Ethnologist 30 (3): 381–400. https://doi.org/10.1525/ae.2003.30.3.381.

———. 2004. “Ancestral Vigilance and the Corrective Conscience Kastom as Culture in a Melanesian Society.” Anthropological Theory 4 (3): 299–324. https://doi.org/10.1177/1463499604045566.

3603/2021/8.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/08 15:46 by