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Close encounters
Close encounters
Ryan Schram
ANTH 2700: Key debates in anthropology
Social Sciences Building 410 (A02)
Week of March 22, 2021 (Week 4)
Slides available at http://anthro.rschram.org/2700/2021/4
Main reading: Sahlins (1988)
Other reading: Sahlins (1992); Sahlins (1996)
References and further reading
Sahlins, Marshall. 1988. “Cosmologies of Capitalism: The Trans-Pacific Sector of “The World System”.” Proceeedings of the British Academy 74: 1–51. https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/sites/default/files/74p001.pdf.
———. 1992. “The Economics of Develop-Man in the Pacific.” Res 21: 13–25.
———. 1996. “The Sadness of Sweetness: The Native Anthropology of Western Cosmology.” Current Anthropology 37 (3): 395–428. https://doi.org/10.1086/204503.