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−Table of Contents
Ryan Schram
ANTH 2654: Forms of Families
13 August 2015
### Terms ###
rule of residence, matrilocal (WM), patrilocal (HF), virilocal (H), uxorilocal (W), avunculocal (HMB). Agnatic, uterine (enatic), cognatic. Crow (Robert Lowie), Dobu (Reo Fortune), bridewealth. Levi-Strauss, incest, Malinowski
Cross the line Changes in marriage Many different types Many different ways of becoming married Marriage is a package of behaviors Two approaches to marriage
Top-down, holistic: Kinship as an exchange system Individualistic: Marriage is part of a moral discourse people use to understand and express themselves as individuals.
Time permitting: alliance versus descent.
Plus: Notes on Marriage trends.
2654/3.1439256129.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/10 18:22 by Ryan Schram (admin)