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Thinking of PNG

What do you see when you hear PNG?

Ryan Schram

ANTH 2654: Forms of Families

16 October 2014

A picture from PNG

What words come to mind when you see this?

Another picture

And this?

Another picture

And this?

That's about the size

What is unspoiled wilderness to one is untapped resources to another and fertile soil to another.

What is poverty and suffering to one person is normal life to another.






Picture 1: Brian Chapaitis (2013), “Menya river in Papua New Guinea, a land of beauty and opportunity.” http://devpolicy.org/asylum-seekers-negative-nationalism-and-the-png-solution-20130802-02/. Accessed 6 September 2013.

Picture 2: Getty Images (n.d.), Picture of a woman on the road. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-15436981.

Picture 3: User:Nomadtales (2005), Picture of a Huli (Hela province) man dressed in ceremonial regalia and wig. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Huli_wigman.jpg. Uploaded 29 June 2005.

2654/11.1413176917.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/10/12 22:08 by Ryan Schram (admin)