Online components

This unit requires regular use of the University’s Learn­ing Management System (LMS), also known as Black­board Learn. You will need reliable access to a computer and the Internet to use the LMS.

The easiest way to access Blackboard Learn is by open­ing a web broswer and going to http://elearn­ Log in with your Unikey and pass­word, and select ANTH 1002 from the list of units of study.

You will be using the Blackboard site every week. You will be using it to submit your weekly writing assign­ments, to read the study modules for each week's top­ics, to get the slides, notes or outlines that accompany each lecture, and to find the instructions for the essay. Also on the site are (1) guides on essay writing and style; (2) links to campus centres and resources that can help you improve your writing, notetaking, and other study skills; and (3) links to places to get academic ad­vice and resolve prob­lems. You have to make sure that you have regular, reliable ac­cess to this site on a desktop or laptop computer. If you have any difficulties logging in or using the system, visit the Student Help area of the LMS site,

Mobile Learn You can also access your LMS sites via the Sydney Uni App for iPhone and Android. To download the University of Sydney mobile app dir­ectly to your phone or mobile device you need to be able to access the marketplace associated with your device's op­erating system.

Once you are at the marketplace or app store:

  1. Search for University of Sydney
  2. Install the app
  3. Open the app and click on the icon 'Bb Learn' to access the LMS
  4. Login to the LMS with your UniKey and pass­word.

Important: due to the limitations of mobile devices you cannot submit assignments using the assignment tool. You should not complete graded tests (quizzes) using your mobile device due to the possibility of Internet drop out. The University’s Privacy Management Plan governs how the University will deal with personal information related to the content and use of its web sites. See for further details.

Ryan also posts outlines of his lecture and some supple­mental information about key topics on his own inde­pendent teaching site at This site is for your reference and enrichment; all the re­quired information will be posted on Blackboard. Links to lecture outlines will posted under each week's module on Black­board online. Terry will post slides from her lec­tures un­der the module for those weeks, usually after her lec­tures.