Fulltext results:
- progress_report
- {{page>2667guide}} # Progress report # How is it going? This assignment asks you to write about 300 words,... needed, to tell me how you think your research is progressing. Specifically, I want you to address each of t... of it. Keep in mind that this, as before, is a 'progress assignment'. You are being evaluated on whether o... n your work. You should upload a file with your progress report to the Blackboard dropbox for this assignm
- possible_topics
- ment is your first chance to show me what kind of progress you have made. It is also my first chance to offe... am going to be looking for several signs of good progress: * Have you found ethnographic sources, like et... ve been consulting? Keep in mind that this is a 'progress assignment'. This task does not exist in isolatio
- thesis_statement_and_outline
- o support this claim? This assignment is another progress report. I want to know where you are at: (1) what... off!]] Keep in mind that this, as before, is a 'progress assignment'. If you've only just started to write... ou will be graded as you have before, on how much progress you have made on each aspect of research, as part
- topic_statement
- ment is your first chance to show me what kind of progress you have made. It is also my first chance to offe... am going to be looking for several signs of good progress: * Have you found ethnographic sources, like et... e been consulting. Keep in mind that this is a 'progress assignment'. You are not being evaluated on wheth
- 7
- | | resist cultural domination | "progressive", "modernist" | But Birgit Meyer (2004) argue
- 2667guide
- Weekly writings]], (1) [[Possible topics]], (2) [[Progress report]], (3) [[Thesis statement and outline]], (
- assessments
- essays, though, they are graded based on how much progress you have made on the process of research, and how
- assessments_at-a-glance
- .m. | 200 words | 10% | | Progress report | 11 April, 11:59 p.m. | 300
- staying_on_top_of_your_studies
- ve any concerns about what you are doing, or your progress in the unit, you should immediately **get in touc
- weekly_plan_and_assigned_readings
- you agree or disagree and why? | | Research: | [[Progress report]] due this week on Blackboard. | ^19.04 ^