Week 10: Power as relationship and flow

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Required reading: Foucault (1982)

Supplemental readings: McNay (1994), Schirato, Danaher, and Webb (2012)


Foucault, Michel. 1982. “The Subject and Power.” Critical Inquiry 8 (4): 777–95. doi:10.1086/448181.

McNay, Lois. 1994. “Introduction.” In Foucault: A Critical Introduction, 1–12. Cambridge: Polity Press. http://books.google.com?id=ARYNAAAAQBAJ.

Schirato, Tony, Geoff Danaher, and Jen Webb. 2012. “Glossary of Theoretical Terms.” In Understanding Foucault: A Critical Introduction, 2nd ed., xvii–xxviii. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.