Main reading: Miller (2010)
Other reading: Hendriks (2023); Shange (2019)
In this week, we look at a a collection of new ideas about how to think about society and the individual subject. This is not a “key debate in anthropology,” but it is interesting, and it tweaks a few of the ideas and arguments we’ve been discussing. It is a good chance to catch our breath and take stock of the last few weeks before moving on to another concept of the human subject. I will post more notes soon.
Hendriks, Thomas. 2023. “On the Surprising Queerness of Norms: Anthropology with Canguilhem, Foucault, and Butler.” Anthropological Theory 23 (3): 235–54.
Miller, Daniel. 2010. “Anthropology in Blue Jeans.” American Ethnologist 37 (3): 415–28.
Shange, Savannah. 2019. “Black Girl Ordinary: Flesh, Carcerality, and the Refusal of Ethnography.” Transforming Anthropology 27 (1): 3–21.
ANTH 2700: Key debates in anthropology—A guide to the unit
Lecture outlines and guides: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, B, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.
Assignments: Weekly writing assignments, What I learned about the future of anthropology: An interactive presentation, Second essay: Who represents the future of anthropology and why?, Possible sources for the second essay, First essay: Improving AI reference material, Concept quiz.