Kinship as social action

Kinship as social action

Week 4: Family matters

Ryan Schram
ANTH 1002: Anthropology in the world
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Slides available at

Main reading: Gilliland (2020)

Other reading: Carsten (1995)

Draw your family

Do as the anthropologists do: Make a kinship diagram of your family.

An example kinship diagram using the conventional symbols for people and their genealogical relationships (Gilliland 2020, fig. 2).

An example kinship diagram using the conventional symbols for people and their genealogical relationships (Gilliland 2020, fig. 2).

Alternatively, make a list of your relatives, and note your relationship to each.

Did you know: No two anthropologists make kinship diagrams the same way. There is no “right” way. Do what you think makes sense.

Kinship as a system of groups, and kinship as a system of exchange

A major theory of kinship argues that the rules by which people trace descent are the mechanism by which people in society are assigned to discrete groups.

Just by tracing each person’s ancestry through their mother or father, a society places each person in a distinct unilineal descent group:

When people apply the rule of unilineal descent as the criterion for membership in a group, it creates a structure for the whole society.

Not every society has unilineal descent groups

Claude Lévi-Strauss ([1949] 1969) argues that a society’s rules governing marriage are in fact the basis of a society’s kinship categories.

The universality of the incest prohibition

Lévi-Strauss ([1949] 1969) notes that all societies prohibit “incest” (marriage of relatives), but which marriages count as incest is different everywhere. Another classic problem for anthropology.

For Levi-Strauss, marriage is a system of alliances, or a system of exchange among groups in which people are the gifts. Marriage rules are in that light a system of reciprocity; kinship is fundamentally the system of total services.

A lingering bias

Kinship is purely social system of categories, and need not have any connection to biology and reproduction. So what’s with all this talk of marriage, parents, children?

Do people have to form heterosexual, opposite-sex marriages in order for people to have kinship classifications?

Many societies also have this kind of bias when they describe their own kinship

Sexual symbolism is not the only way people talk about kinship

In fact, many other societies have forms of kinship that have nothing to do with heterosexual conjugality, even if they use metaphor of “blood.”

In many societies people speak of kinship as a natural fact in their “blood,” but that doesn’t only mean their birth to parents.

Other societies think of kinship in terms of something else altogether. They don't assume kinship is essential or fixed.

Why did early anthropologists ignore all these exceptions?

The study of kinship in anthropology reveals a lot about the history of the field.

Early anthropologists focused on kinship because

Making kinship diagrams is very much in this spirit.

Classical anthropological theories of kinship are just Western cultural assumptions

David Schneider was dissatisfied with anthropology’s excuses for ignoring the exceptions.

He questioned the assumptions that underlie the classical conception of kinship in anthropology.

To reveal the biases in older model of kinship, he wrote an “ethnography” of his own society:

American Kinship is more than just a critique of anthropology

American kinship is a symbolic language for society: Relatives, family, and people you love

For Schneider, people use symbols to represent their kinship relationships.

The American social world is split into two general domains:

American kinship operates with three key symbolic categories.

The category of family is represented by a symbol. They are people whom you love, that is, with whom you have a “diffuse, enduring solidarity” (Schneider [1968] 1980, 97, see also 50-52).

If kinship is not a cultural representation of reproduction, then what is it?

In Egypt and other Arab societies, women nurse each other’s children, and receiving a woman’s milk creates “milk kinship” with her and with other children whom she nurses (Clarke 2007).

In Pulau Langkawi, kinship develops through acts of feeding. We need an time-lapse image of relationships, not a diagram, to properly represent them (Carsten 1995).

In rural villages of Bahia State, Brazil, children’s choices about where to eat determine who their parents are (De Matos Viegas 2003).

A postscript: Kinship’s weak link is the proliferation of technical terms

Just because we have specialized, precise terms for people’s relationships doesn’t mean that we understand them better.

We’ve just applied a name to them.

References and further reading

Carsten, Janet. 1995. “The Substance of Kinship and the Heat of the Hearth: Feeding, Personhood, and Relatedness Among Malays in Pulau Langkawi.” American Ethnologist 22 (2): 223–41.

Clarke, Morgan. 2007. “The Modernity of Milk Kinship*.” Social Anthropology 15 (3): 287–304.

De Matos Viegas, Susana. 2003. “Eating With Your Favourite Mother: Time And Sociality In A Brazilian Amerindian Community.” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 9 (1): 21–37.

Evans-Pritchard, E. E. 1951. Kinship and Marriage Among the Nuer. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Gilliland, Mary Kay. 2020. “Family and Marriage.” In Perspectives: An Open Invitation to Cultural Anthropology, edited by Thomas McIlwraith, Nina Brown, and Laura T. de González, 182–203. Arlington, Va.: The American Anthropological Association.

Krige, Eileen Jensen. 1974. “Woman-Marriage, with Special Reference to the Loυedu. Its Significance for the Definition of Marriage.” Africa: Journal of the International African Institute 44 (1): 11–37.

Lévi-Strauss, Claude. (1949) 1969. The Elementary Structures of Kinship. Edited by Rodney Needham. Translated by James Harle Bell and John Richard von Sturmer. Boston: Beacon Press.

O’Brien, Denise. 1977. “Female Husbands in Southern Bantu Societies.” In Sexual stratification: a cross-cultural view, edited by Alice Schlegel, 109–26. New York: Columbia University Press.

Schneider, David M. (1968) 1980. American Kinship: A Cultural Account. 2nd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Strathern, Andrew. 1973. “Kinship, Descent and Locality: Some New Guinea Examples.” In The Character of Kinship, edited by J. Goody, 21–33. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


