Fulltext results:
- 1.1
- ery week, we give you a weekly learning module on Canvas. This is where we give you an overview of the wee... ignment in each module. When you need help with Canvas, you can always email elearning.helpdesk@sydney.e... (or e-reserve) system, which you access **through Canvas**. Recommended supplemental readings can be fou... ## Weekly writing assignments ## On [[http://canvas.sydney.edu.au|Canvas]], you will find weekly lear
- 4.1
- 2 essay ## The instructions for the essay are on Canvas and are visible now under 'Assignments'. The essay is due on 14 September at 4 p.m. online on Canvas. For this essay, you will read a supplemental ar... can download a copy of this paper from the class Canvas site on the Assignments page.) ## A guide to t
- a_guide_to_email
- s, and tutorial. If you are having problems with Canvas, you can contact the eLearning Helpdesk at elearn... tline, the FAQs, and the other helpful tidbits on Canvas. Many common questions are answered there. (You c