Fulltext results:
- 13.2 @1002:2024
- 0] 1940, 286). ===== Salvage anthropology ===== Anthropologists think in terms of cultural relativism based on B... relationship to people’s self-knowledge ==== * Anthropologists are people studying people. * Ethnography is k... == ==== Sem 1, 2025 ==== * ANTH 1001 Becoming anthropologists * ANTH 2700 Key debates in anthropology * AN
- 13.1 @1002:2024
- 0] 1940, 286). ===== Salvage anthropology ===== Anthropologists think in terms of cultural relativism based on B
- 12.2 @1002:2024
- * Side note: This distinction is relevant to how anthropologists talk about modes of subsistence. * You can’t... the idea of **cultural continuity** here? Should anthropologists seek to understand the basis for people’s cultur
- 12.1 @1002:2024
- the idea of **cultural continuity** here? Should anthropologists seek to understand the basis for people’s cultur... tion based on continuity actually mean? ==== * Anthropologists often emphasize the importance of continuity.
- 10.2 @1002:2024
- -gatherers are “our contemporary ancestors” (Some anthropologists say this about every indigenous society; viz. Ch
- 9.2 @1002:2024
- Franz. 1889. “On Alternating Sounds.” //American Anthropologist// 2 (1): 47–54. http://www.jstor.org/stable/65880... ly Form of Descendants of Immigrants.” //American Anthropologist// 14 (3): 530–62. https://www.jstor.org/stable/65
- emic_and_etic
- mic--etic distinction is useful to understand how anthropologists conceptualize ethnographic description and analy... perspectives are necessary for anthropology, and anthropologists differ on how much they emphasize one or the oth
- 6.2 @1002:2024
- 59). * What would Carsten say about this? Most anthropologists would say that kinship is whatever a society rec
- 4.1 @1002:2024
- tructure of Unilineal Descent Groups.” //American Anthropologist// 55 (1): 17–41. https://doi.org/10.2307/664462.
- kinship_diagrams
- onships, often called **kinship diagrams**. For anthropologists, kinship is social, not natural. Yet anthropologists have historically tended to assume that the natural facts o... s, if you are familiar with a European or Western anthropologist's understanding of genealogy. {{:gilliland_fami... e two genders.) Perhaps for that reason, no two anthropologists make kinship diagrams the same way. This system
- 4.2 @1002:2024
- n (1995) ===== Draw your family ===== Do as the anthropologists do: Make a [[:kinship diagrams|kinship diagram]]... r relationship to each. **Did you know:** No two anthropologists make kinship diagrams the same way. There is no ... ship is essential or fixed. ===== Why did early anthropologists ignore all these exceptions? ===== The study of... eals a lot about the history of the field. Early anthropologists focused on kinship because - it challenged th
- 3.2 @1002:2024
- Sahlins 1992, 13). As a Kewa leader once told an anthropologist (paraphrase): “You know what we mean by ‘developm
- 3.1 @1002:2024
- oney? Bohannan understands people’s values as an anthropologist, but when he considers social and cultural change... xchange and Investment Among the Tiv.” //American Anthropologist//, New Series, 57 (1): 60–70. https://doi.org/10.
- 2024 @1002:2024
- tay with the trouble, by listening to each other. Anthropologists are trained to listen so that they can disrupt t... xchange and Investment Among the Tiv.” //American Anthropologist//, New Series, 57 (1): 60–70. https://doi.org/10.
- 2.2 @1002:2024
- xchange and Investment Among the Tiv.” //American Anthropologist//, New Series, 57 (1): 60–70. https://doi.org/10.