ANTH 3601: Contemporary theory and anthropology

This is a page for materials relating to the University of Sydney undergraduate anthropology seminar, Contemporary theory and anthropology, offered in Semester 1, 2019 by Ryan Schram. Check back often for updates. For now, please take a look at the latest draft of the guide to the seminar.

Students in ANTH 3601, look for an introductory email from me, Ryan, very soon with details about our first class meeting on February 28 and March 1. I would like to discuss whether or not anthropology is a science, and if so, what kind of science. Please read these New York Times articles about the debate in the American Anthropological Association from 2010, and any other sources that help you think about your position on this question:

Wade, Nicholas. 2010a. “Anthropology Group Drops ‘Science’ References, Deepening a Rift.” The New York Times, December 9, 2010, sec. Science.

———. 2010b. “Anthropology Group Addresses Furor Over Deleting ‘Science.’” The New York Times, December 13, 2010, sec. Science.

Most of the readings for this class are available through the USYD libraries' online repositories, so you can get cracking right away. Any readings that are not available online will be available as a reader for sale through Publish Partner and the USYD copy centre.