====== ANTH 3621: Symbols: Forms, functions, failures (or, The anthropology of communication) ====== ===== Semester 1, 2024 ===== We are all interconnected, and so we can’t not communicate. To say that people will always depend on each other is to say that we depend on languages and other shared resources for understanding each other. Systems of communication are the ways people adapt to their own incompleteness. Many contemporary issues in anthropology and the social sciences are in one way or another concerned with the ways people communicate and the social effects of communication. This perspective is crucial when one considers that powerful forces teach people to ignore ecological relationships. The study of language in use is the antidote to an ideology of liberal individualism and its ontological blindness. In this class, we learn the main tools anthropologists use to understand communicative action through ethnographic cases of meaning-making, and how struggles over what and how things mean make the worlds people live in.((This class was originally proposed by USYD anthropology department staff with a focus on political symbols, but this year will survey linguistic anthropology. In future years, it will have a more expansive title and description, and address varying foci. )) **[[Welcome to the seminar]]** **Coordinator:** Ryan Schram //Last updated: January 16, 2024// ===== Assignments ===== * **[[Description of a speech event]]** (due Mar. 15 at 11:59 p.m., worth 20%, length 1000) * **[[Exposition of a key concept]]** (due Apr. 13 at 11:59 p.m., worth 25%, length 1000) * **[[the_social_life_of_language|The social life of language: Three cases]]** (due May 25 at 11:59 p.m., worth 30%, length 2500) * **[[Weekly journal]]** (due weekly, worth 15%, length 1000) * **[[Contributions to an online knowledge base]]** (due weekly, worth 10%, length 500)((//Please note: This class assignment will not appear on this wiki site, but on the class Canvas site.//)) ===== Weekly plan of topics and readings ===== ^ Week ^ Date ^ Topic ^ Main reading ^ Other reading ^\\ | **1** | **February 19** | **[[:3621:2024:1|No language left behind]]** | “Meta AI Research Topic: No Language Left Behind” (n.d.); “New AI Model Translates 200 Languages, Making Technology Accessible to More People” (2022) | Cameron (1999) |\\ | **2** | **February 26** | **[[:3621:2024:2|Pronunciation guides, or Where do you think I’m from?]]** | Newman (2002) | Ahearn (2021b); Ahearn (2021a); Blommaert (2009); Moore (2011); Silverstein (2022); Thorpe (2015) |\\ | **3** | **March 04** | **[[:3621:2024:3|Communication as event]]** | Irvine (2012) | Ansell (2009); Berman (2020); Goodwin (2006); Harkness (2017); Hymes (1974); Irvine (1996); Jakobson (1960) |\\ | **4** | **March 11** | **[[:3621:2024:4|Words that can hurt: Slurs, insults, and everyday racism in language]]** | Hill (2011b) | Hill (1998); Hill (2011a); Jakobson ([1957] 1984); Woolard (1998); Zuckerman (2016) |\\ | **5** | **March 18** | **[[:3621:2024:5|Border controls: Language standards and the nation state]]** | Errington (2022b) | Errington (2001); Errington (2022a); Gal (2006); Silverstein (2015) |\\ | **6** | **March 25** | **[[:3621:2024:6|Listening for modernity]]** | Inoue (2003) | Bauman and Briggs (2003); Inoue (2002) |\\ | **B** | **April 01** | **Mandatory closure for Judeo-Christian memorial festivals** | | |\\ | **7** | **April 08** | **[[:3621:2024:7|Between a nation and a speech community]]** | Zentella (2003) | Haviland (2003); Urciuoli (1991); Woolard (1989) |\\ | **8** | **April 15** | **[[:3621:2024:8|Translation and the unequal division of communicative labor]]** | Orellana and Guan (2015) | Ghandchi (2022); Stasch (2014) |\\ | **9** | **April 22** | **[[:3621:2024:9|The signs of a race]]** | Reyes (2017b); Reyes (2017a) | Bucholtz and Hall (2005); Chumley (2017); Rosa and Flores (2017); Smalls (2020) |\\ | **10** | **April 29** | **[[:3621:2024:10|Communication as commodity production]]** | Jones (2021) | Blum (2009); Gershon (2023); Gershon (2022) |\\ | **11** | **May 06** | **[[:3621:2024:11|The right kind of honesty]]** | Carr (2010), intro. and chap. 6 | Carr (2010), conclusion; Bauman (1983) |\\ | **12** | **May 13** | **[[:3621:2024:12|Learning to be Deaf]]** | Hoffmann-Dilloway (2011) | Green (2022); Haviland (2022) |\\ | **13** | **May 20** | **[[:3621:2024:13|Feeling our way]]** | Edwards (2023) | |\\ | **14** | **May 27** | **Reading week** | | |\\ | **15** | **June 03** | **Final exam period** | | | ===== References ===== Ahearn, Laura M. 2021a. //Living Language: An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology//. 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