~~DECKJS~~ ====== PNG, green island of gold, floating on a sea of oil (powered by gas) ====== ===== PNG, green island of gold, floating on a sea of oil (powered by gas) ===== Ryan Schram\\ ANTH 3603: Melanesian worlds\\ ryan.schram@sydney.edu.au\\ Social Sciences Building 410 (A02)\\ Week of May 17, 2021 (Week 11) Slides available at http://anthro.rschram.org/2700/2021/11 **Main reading:** Biersack (1999); Biersack (2006) ===== References and further reading ===== Biersack, Aletta. 1999. “The Mount Kare Python and His Gold: Totemism and Ecology in the Papua New Guinea Highlands.” //American Anthropologist// 101 (1): 68–87. http://www.jstor.org/stable/683342. ———. 2006. “Red River, Green War: The Politics of Place on the Porgera River.” In //Reimagining Political Ecology//, edited by Aletta Biersack and James B. Greenberg, 233–80. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.