~~DECKJS~~ # To be revealed... # ## To be revealed... ## Ryan Schram Mills 169 (A26) ryan.schram@sydney.edu.au 1 June 2016 Available at http://anthro.rschram.org/2667/13 ### Readings ### Bellah, Robert N. 1967. “Civil Religion in America.” Daedalus 96 (1): 1–21. http://www.robertbellah.com/articles_5.htm. Hirschkind, Charles. 1997. “What Is Political Islam?” Middle East Report. http://www.merip.org/mer/mer205/what-political-islam. Schram, Ryan. 2014. “A New Government Breaks With The Past in The Papua New Guinea Parliament’s ‘Haus Tambaran.’” Material World: A Global Hub for Thinking about Things. February 9. http://www.materialworldblog.com/2014/02/a-new-government-breaks-with-the-past-in-the-papua-new-guinea-parliaments-haus-tambaran/. ## New questions of religion and politics ## * Millennialism and militant subjectivity * Christian politics in the Pacific: Posttraditionalism? ## Anthropology and religion ## * Religion and collective consciousness * Religion as a type of social action * Religious experience and subjectivity * Religion as moral practice * Religious subjectivity and ideologies of communication ## What if there is no such category as religion? ## * Are things we label as 'religion' too diverse to have anything in common? ## A guide to the unit ## {{page>2667guide}}