~~DECKJS~~ # Other mothers # ## Other mothers ## Ryan Schram ANTH 2654: Forms of Families 22 October 2015 Available at: http://anthro.rschram.org/2654/12 ## Lecture outline ## * Back To The Future Day is 21 October 2015 - Why don't we have flying cars? * Essay topics: finding contradictions in culture * Change as a [[:Identity and contradiction|dialectic]] - Thesis, antithesis, synthesis - It's kind of like being pregnant. A woman is a mother when she is *recognized* by her child. * Surrogacy as synthesis - Wombs for rent - New kinds of agency * The limits of performativity - 'Kinship is part of who you are' versus 'Kinship comes from what you do.' - Are these different cultural constructs, or two sides of the same coin? - You can performatively enact kinship, but you can't do it alone.