~~DECKJS~~ ====== Nature as metaphor ====== ===== Nature as metaphor ===== ==== Week 9: Normative sexuality, Donald Trump, and whiteness ==== Ryan Schram\\ ANTH 1002: Anthropology in the world\\ Wednesday, September 25, 2024 Slides available at https://anthro.rschram.org/1002/2024/9.2 **Main reading:** Bjork-James (2020) ===== References and further reading ===== Bjork-James, Sophie. 2020. “White Sexual Politics: The Patriarchal Family in White Nationalism and the Religious Right.” //Transforming Anthropology// 28 (1): 58–73. https://doi.org/10.1111/traa.12167. {{page>1002guide}}