====== Lecture questions ====== Designed by Holly High and Ryan Schram **Due**: n/a\\ **Weight**: 10%\\ **Length**: minimum of 20 out of 24 In each week’s checklist, you will find two multiple-choice questions about a key idea from the lecture videos. After you have watched the lecture videos, you should answer these questions. They are meant to help you consolidate your knowledge from lecture. If you answer a question incorrectly, then you can go back, review the videos, and answer the question again. Each question is worth one point, and there will be at least 24 of these questions over the semester. You are required to answer 20 of them. You are welcome to answer all 24 questions, but there will be no extra credit given for this assignment. While the unit outline says that these are due on Fridays each week, technically there is no due date. We recommend that you schedule a regular time each week to watch lecture videos and then answer the questions. While these questions usually have a single correct answer (or at least one that is more correct than others), they can be springboards for discussion in tutorial too. {{page>1002guide}}