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3601:2020:plan [2020/02/11 23:12] – external edit [2020/04/15 20:57] (current) Ryan Schram (admin)
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 | 7 | Apr 9, Apr 10 | Globalization as turning point | Appadurai (1990) | Trouillot ([2003] 2016), chapters 1 and 5 |\\ | 7 | Apr 9, Apr 10 | Globalization as turning point | Appadurai (1990) | Trouillot ([2003] 2016), chapters 1 and 5 |\\
 | B | Apr 16, Apr 17 | Mandatory school closure due to the public recognition of a religious festival | | |\\ | B | Apr 16, Apr 17 | Mandatory school closure due to the public recognition of a religious festival | | |\\
-| 8 | Apr 23, Apr 24 | Can anthropology see over the horizon of “the field”? | Malkki (1992) | Gupta and Ferguson (1992); Ferguson and Gupta (2002) |\\ +| 8 | Apr 23, Apr 24 | Identity, belonging, citizenship | Malkki (1992); Middleton (2013) | Gupta and Ferguson (1992); Ferguson and Gupta (2002) |\\ 
-| 9 | Apr 30, May 1 | Conjunctures revisited | Bashkow (2004) | Friedman (1994); Englund and Leach (2000) |\\ +| 9 | Apr 30, May 1 | Conjunctures revisited | Friedman (1994) | Bashkow (2004); Englund and Leach (2000) |\\ 
-| 10 | May 7, May 8 | Library day for work on your reading for your final essay | | |\\ +| 10 | May 7, May 8 | Difference and being in question Kohn (2007) Kohn (2015); Bessire and Bond (2014) |\\ 
-| 11 | May 14, May 15 | Culture and the changing conditions of subjectivity Gershon (2011| Gershon (2018) |\\ +| 11 | May 14, May 15 | Cosmopolitics and ethnopolitics de la Cadena (2010); Blaser (2013|\\ 
-| 12 | May 21, May 22 | Difference and being in question Kohn (2007) | Kohn (2015); Bessire and Bond (2014) |\\ +| 12 | May 21, May 22 | Liberalism and its others Mazzarella (2010); Yeh (2012|\\ 
-| 13 | May 28, May 29 | What is anthropology for? Robbins (2013) | Ortner (2016) |\\ +| 13 | May 28, May 29 | Culture and the changing conditions of subjectivity Gershon (2011) | Gershon (2018) |\\ 
-| 14 | Jun 4, Jun 5 | Extra make-up seminar: Where is anthropology headed in the future? | | |\\+| 14 | Jun 4, Jun 5 | Extra seminar: Where is anthropology headed in the future? | | |\\
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 Bessire, Lucas, and David Bond. 2014. “Ontological Anthropology and the Deferral of Critique.” //American Ethnologist// 41 (3): 440–56. doi:[[https://doi.org/10.1111/amet.12083|10.1111/amet.12083]]. Bessire, Lucas, and David Bond. 2014. “Ontological Anthropology and the Deferral of Critique.” //American Ethnologist// 41 (3): 440–56. doi:[[https://doi.org/10.1111/amet.12083|10.1111/amet.12083]].
 +Blaser, Mario. 2013. “Ontological Conflicts and the Stories of Peoples in Spite of Europe: Toward a Conversation on Political Ontology.” Current Anthropology 54 (5): 547–68. https://doi.org/10.1086/672270.
 +Cadena, Marisol de la. 2010. “Indigenous Cosmopolitics in the Andes: Conceptual Reflections beyond ‘Politics.’” Cultural Anthropology 25 (2): 334–70. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1548-1360.2010.01061.x.
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 Geertz, Clifford. 1973a. “The Impact of the Concept of Culture on the Concept of Man.” In //The Interpretation of Cultures//, 33–54. New York: Basic Books. http://books.google.com?id=BZ1BmKEHti0C. Geertz, Clifford. 1973a. “The Impact of the Concept of Culture on the Concept of Man.” In //The Interpretation of Cultures//, 33–54. New York: Basic Books. http://books.google.com?id=BZ1BmKEHti0C.
 ———. 1973b. “Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture.” In //The Interpretation of Cultures//, 3–30. New York: Basic Books. http://books.google.com?id=BZ1BmKEHti0C. ———. 1973b. “Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture.” In //The Interpretation of Cultures//, 3–30. New York: Basic Books. http://books.google.com?id=BZ1BmKEHti0C.
 Gershon, Ilana. 2011. “"Neoliberal Agency".” //Current Anthropology// 52 (4): 537–55. doi:[[https://doi.org/10.1086/660866|10.1086/660866]]. Gershon, Ilana. 2011. “"Neoliberal Agency".” //Current Anthropology// 52 (4): 537–55. doi:[[https://doi.org/10.1086/660866|10.1086/660866]].
 ———. 2018. “Employing the CEO of Me, Inc.: US Corporate Hiring in a Neoliberal Age.” //American Ethnologist// 45 (2): 173–85. doi:[[https://doi.org/10.1111/amet.12630|10.1111/amet.12630]]. ———. 2018. “Employing the CEO of Me, Inc.: US Corporate Hiring in a Neoliberal Age.” //American Ethnologist// 45 (2): 173–85. doi:[[https://doi.org/10.1111/amet.12630|10.1111/amet.12630]].
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 Kohn, Eduardo. 2007. “How Dogs Dream: Amazonian Natures and the Politics of Transspecies Engagement.” //American Ethnologist// 34 (1): 3–24. doi:[[https://doi.org/10.1525/ae.2007.34.1.3|10.1525/ae.2007.34.1.3]]. Kohn, Eduardo. 2007. “How Dogs Dream: Amazonian Natures and the Politics of Transspecies Engagement.” //American Ethnologist// 34 (1): 3–24. doi:[[https://doi.org/10.1525/ae.2007.34.1.3|10.1525/ae.2007.34.1.3]].
 ———. 2015. “Anthropology of Ontologies.” //Annual Review of Anthropology// 44 (1): 311–27. doi:[[https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-anthro-102214-014127|10.1146/annurev-anthro-102214-014127]]. ———. 2015. “Anthropology of Ontologies.” //Annual Review of Anthropology// 44 (1): 311–27. doi:[[https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-anthro-102214-014127|10.1146/annurev-anthro-102214-014127]].
 Malkki, Liisa. 1992. “National Geographic: The Rooting of Peoples and the Territorialization of National Identity Among Scholars and Refugees.” //Cultural Anthropology// 7 (1): 24–44. doi:[[https://doi.org/10.1525/can.1992.7.1.02a00030|10.1525/can.1992.7.1.02a00030]]. Malkki, Liisa. 1992. “National Geographic: The Rooting of Peoples and the Territorialization of National Identity Among Scholars and Refugees.” //Cultural Anthropology// 7 (1): 24–44. doi:[[https://doi.org/10.1525/can.1992.7.1.02a00030|10.1525/can.1992.7.1.02a00030]].
-OrtnerSherry B1984. “Theory in Anthropology Since the Sixties.” //Comparative Studies in Society and History// 26 (1): 12666.+MazzarellaWilliam2010. “The Myth of the Multitude, or, Who’s Afraid of the Crowd?” Critical Inquiry 36 (4): 697727. https://doi.org/10.1086/655209.
-———2016. “Dark Anthropology and Its OthersTheory Since the Eighties.” //HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory// 6 (1): 4773http://www.haujournal.org/index.php/hau/article/view/hau6.1.004.+Middleton, Townsend2013. “Anxious BelongingsAnxiety and the Politics of Belonging in Subnationalist Darjeeling.” American Anthropologist 115 (4): 60821https://doi.org/10.1111/aman.12051.
 +Ortner, Sherry B. 1984. “Theory in Anthropology Since the Sixties.” //Comparative Studies in Society and History// 26 (1): 126–66.
 +———. 2016. “Dark Anthropology and Its Others: Theory Since the Eighties.” //HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory// 6 (1): 47–73. http://www.haujournal.org/index.php/hau/article/view/hau6.1.004.
 Robbins, Joel. 2013. “Beyond the Suffering Subject: Toward an Anthropology of the Good.” //Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute// 19 (3): 447–62. doi:[[https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9655.12044|10.1111/1467-9655.12044]]. Robbins, Joel. 2013. “Beyond the Suffering Subject: Toward an Anthropology of the Good.” //Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute// 19 (3): 447–62. doi:[[https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9655.12044|10.1111/1467-9655.12044]].
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 Sahlins, Marshall. 1981. //Historical Metaphors and Mythical Realities: Structure in the Early History of the Sandwich Islands Kingdom//. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press. Sahlins, Marshall. 1981. //Historical Metaphors and Mythical Realities: Structure in the Early History of the Sandwich Islands Kingdom//. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press.
 ———. 1988. “Cosmologies of Capitalism: The Trans-Pacific Sector of "the World System".” //Proceeedings of the British Academy// 74: 1–51. https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/sites/default/files/74p001.pdf. ———. 1988. “Cosmologies of Capitalism: The Trans-Pacific Sector of "the World System".” //Proceeedings of the British Academy// 74: 1–51. https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/sites/default/files/74p001.pdf.
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 ———. 1992. “The Economics of Develop-Man in the Pacific.” //Res// 21: 13–25. ———. 1992. “The Economics of Develop-Man in the Pacific.” //Res// 21: 13–25.
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 Wolf, Eric R. 1982. //Europe and the People Without History//. Berkeley: University of California Press. Wolf, Eric R. 1982. //Europe and the People Without History//. Berkeley: University of California Press.
 +Yeh, Rihan. 2012. “Two Publics in a Mexican Border City.” //Cultural Anthropology// 27 (4): 713–34.
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