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3601:2020:12 [2020/02/11 23:12] – external edit [2020/04/15 20:55] (current) Ryan Schram (admin)
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-====== Week 12: Difference and being in question ======+====== Week 12: Liberalism and its others ======
 Thursday, May 21, 2020, Friday, May 22, 2020 Thursday, May 21, 2020, Friday, May 22, 2020
-**Required reading:** Kohn (2007)+**Required reading:** Mazzarella (2010), Yeh (2012)
-**Supplemental readings:** Kohn (2015), Bessire and Bond (2014) 
-====== References ====== 
-Bessire, Lucas, and David Bond. 2014. “Ontological Anthropology and the Deferral of Critique.” //American Ethnologist// 41 (3): 440–56. doi:[[https://doi.org/10.1111/amet.12083|10.1111/amet.12083]].+====== References ======
 +Mazzarella, William. 2010. “The Myth of the Multitude, or, Who’s Afraid of the Crowd?” //Critical Inquiry// 36 (4): 697–727. https://doi.org/10.1086/655209.
-KohnEduardo2007. “How Dogs Dream: Amazonian Natures and the Politics of Transspecies Engagement.” //American Ethnologist// 34 (1): 324. doi:[[https://doi.org/10.1525/ae.2007.34.1.3|10.1525/ae.2007.34.1.3]].+YehRihan2012. “Two Publics in a Mexican Border City.” //Cultural Anthropology// 27 (4): 713–34.
-———. 2015. “Anthropology of Ontologies.” //Annual Review of Anthropology// 44 (1): 311–27. doi:[[https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-anthro-102214-014127|10.1146/annurev-anthro-102214-014127]]. 
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