~~DECKJS~~ # Symbolizing kinship # ## Symbolizing kinship ## Ryan Schram ANTH 2654: Forms of Families 27 August 2015 Available at http://anthro.rschram.org/2654/5 ## Outline ## * Language is a structure - Saussure: langue and parole - The sign: Signifier and Signified - Language imposes rules - criteria - on what we hear. We listen for the distinctive oppositions. * Culture is like a language - A structuralist approach works very well on kin terms - Kin terms can be defined by rules stated in terms of sex, age and consanguinity - Culture is a system of symbols, and a set of categories, that people of one society share. Culture is a language, not an organism. - A new kind of relativism * There is no such thing as kinship. - Domestic and public are social facts, not real things. - The Nayar, the people with no fathers. - Conception beliefs: Trobriand Islands, Huli, America